Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura

São Paulo / Brazil

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura 0
Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Melo Alves 645 Building

Melo Alves 645 Building

São Paulo / Brazil / 2024

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Sabino Building 3

Sabino Building

São Paulo / Brazil / 2023

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Melo Alves 645 Apartment

Melo Alves 645 Apartment

São Paulo / Brazil / 2023

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Metálica House

Metálica House

Porto Feliz / Brazil / 2020

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Ibsen House

Ibsen House

São Paulo / Brazil / 2020

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Dengo Chocolates Concept Store

Dengo Chocolates Concept Store

São Paulo / Brazil / 2020

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Ipês House

Ipês House

Porto Feliz / Brazil

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Sabino Apartment 3

Sabino Apartment

São Paulo / Brazil

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Los Angeles House

Los Angeles House

Los Angeles / United States

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
No Alto House

No Alto House

Porto Feliz / Brazil

Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Since 2017, the architectural firm stands out for its integrated performance and for the creation of projects that are born and developed through dialogue and the active participation of all players involved in the production process, such as developers, builders, suppliers and industry. This holistic approach allows them to go beyond the limits of architecture and to formulate solutions that excel in innovation, sustainability and efficiency, with greater control of costs, construction duration and environmental care. Matheus Farah and Manoel Maia are authors of the concept store of Dengo Chocolates and are designing upcoming stores for the brand. They also were responsible for the Estações Cacau Conduru project, in Ilhéus, Bahia, where Dengo's raw material is produced, tand where they first met the universe of cacao culture. They are winners of the competition for the Clube Associação Fazenda Boa Vista, a residential and hotel complex in Porto Feliz (SP), and they are developing 20 residential projects in high-standard condominiums in the interior of São Paulo at different stages of construction. About projects in concept stage, there is also a mixed building for the high-end real estate market, in addition to two prominent Japanese restaurants in the gastronomic scene of São Paulo.
Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
Matheus Farah e Manoel Maia Arquitetura
  • Address R. Francisco Leitão, 653, 05414-025 São Paulo | Brazil

Since 2017, the architectural firm stands out for its integrated performance and for the creation of projects that are born and developed through dialogue and the active participation of all players involved in the production process, such as developers, builders, suppliers and industry. This holistic approach allows them to go beyond the limits of architecture and to formulate solutions that excel in innovation, sustainability and efficiency, with greater control of costs, construction duration and environmental care. Matheus Farah and Manoel Maia are authors of the concept store of Dengo Chocolates and are designing upcoming stores for the brand. They also were responsible for the Estações Cacau Conduru project, in Ilhéus, Bahia, where Dengo's raw material is produced, tand where they first met the universe of cacao culture. They are winners of the competition for the Clube Associação Fazenda Boa Vista, a residential and hotel complex in Porto Feliz (SP), and they are developing 20 residential projects in high-standard condominiums in the interior of São Paulo at different stages of construction. About projects in concept stage, there is also a mixed building for the high-end real estate market, in addition to two prominent Japanese restaurants in the gastronomic scene of São Paulo.