Louis Thompson


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Louis Thompson
Louis Thompson
Chief Executive Officer
Founder of Nomadic Resorts

As a LEED AP, green building and landscape design professional specializing in the realization eco-resorts, tented camps and high end residential villa developments; Louis has 10 years experience of designing, building and operating high-end, mixed use development projects in Asia with Six Senses resorts and spas. Louis has a BTS diploma in Hotel Management and Marketing and studied Hotel Design and Planning at Cornell-Nanya
Louis  Thompson
Louis Thompson
Teams 1 teams

Louis Thompson Chief Executive Officer Founder of Nomadic Resorts As a LEED AP, green building and landscape design professional specializing in the realization eco-resorts, tented camps and high end residential villa developments; Louis has 10 years experience of designing, building and operating high-end, mixed use development projects in Asia with Six Senses resorts and spas. Louis has a BTS diploma in Hotel Management and Marketing and studied Hotel Design and Planning at Cornell-Nanya