Damien Gernay

Designer Brussels / Belgium

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Damien Gernay 5
Damien Gernay
My approach of the object is determined by a sensitive outlook on today's world.
I attempt to translate in 3 dimensions a world of perception: touch becomes volume, visual becomes color, and frequency becomes shape.
Material has its own vocabulary, I attempt to compose with it, to create my own language, based on applying, superimposing and confrontating different materials.
Therefore the object gets a meaning. It evokes, insinuates, questions. Single or multiple, its meaning becomes coheren
Damien Gernay
Damien Gernay
  • Address 58 rue Delaunoy, 1080 Brussels | Belgium
  • Tel +32486737368

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My approach of the object is determined by a sensitive outlook on today's world. I attempt to translate in 3 dimensions a world of perception: touch becomes volume, visual becomes color, and frequency becomes shape. Material has its own vocabulary, I attempt to compose with it, to create my own language, based on applying, superimposing and confrontating different materials. Therefore the object gets a meaning. It evokes, insinuates, questions. Single or multiple, its meaning becomes coheren