Contra Design Studio

Designer Dubai / UAE

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Contra Design Studio 2
Contra Design Studio
Tales of Two Designers – a studio for curating stories through design.

We are a design studio founded by Bushra Shakhsheer and Sara Mohamed that creatively seek to enhance people’s experiences within their daily interactions through different mediums – Interior, Architecture and Product design.

Whether it’s a residential or commercial space we believe each space has its own story to tell. The spaces are stories made tangible through the narration of tactile explorations.

The design process is about curating experiences, changing typologies, capturing moments, and reflecting upon senses.

Two Designers is continually in search to find that perfect balance in introducing architectural elements within the interior design space.
Contra Design Studio
Contra Design Studio

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Tales of Two Designers – a studio for curating stories through design. We are a design studio founded by Bushra Shakhsheer and Sara Mohamed that creatively seek to enhance people’s experiences within their daily interactions through different mediums – Interior, Architecture and Product design. Whether it’s a residential or commercial space we believe each space has its own story to tell. The spaces are stories made tangible through the narration of tactile explorations. The design process is about curating experiences, changing typologies, capturing moments, and reflecting upon senses. Two Designers is continually in search to find that perfect balance in introducing architectural elements within the interior design space.