Antonio Longobardo

Designer Milan / Italy

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Antonio Longobardo
Over 14 Years of experience in design including, Exhibit Design, Web Design, 3D Design, Print Design, Interior and Industrial Design. (Italy, France, UK, India, Thailand, China). Education and School Managment.
Member of the “Italian Association of Industrial Design” (ADI).
Lead Designer of numerous design projects in Italy, UK, India, France, Thailand & China.
Antonio Longobardo
Antonio Longobardo

Over 14 Years of experience in design including, Exhibit Design, Web Design, 3D Design, Print Design, Interior and Industrial Design. (Italy, France, UK, India, Thailand, China). Education and School Managment. Member of the “Italian Association of Industrial Design” (ADI). Lead Designer of numerous design projects in Italy, UK, India, France, Thailand & China.