
Interior Design Firm Moscow / Russian Federation

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MNdesign Design Studio was founded by architect-designer Mikhail Novinskiy in 2010.

Mikhail Novinskiy was born in Moscow and graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry on a speciality Interior Design. Since 2003 he has been designing private and public interiors, furniture and interior objects and also architecture. In 2010 he founded his own design studio – MNdesign, specializing in the iterior design in modern styles – minimalism, contemporary, loft and other. Member of the Design Guild of the Moscow Union of Artists.

Now the studio has dozens of completed projects of various sizes, complexity and purpose which are located both in Russia, also in the CIS countries, Europe and Asia. The winner and nominee of Interia Awards, Best Interior (of the Russian Union of Architects), Pinwin, Best Office Awards, other competitions. Their works has been published in SALON-Interior, Architectural Digest, Objekt, Design Diffusion News, Archidom, Archilovers, Houzz and other magazines and online issues and also joined the book Big Design for Small Workspaces by the international publisher Images Publishing Group. Mikhail is a constant participant of the TV-show about appartment and cottage interior design on NTV-channel Russia.

MNdesign Studio ready to offer full complex of works on design of the residential and piblic interiors of any complexity – from planning the concept to realization of the smallest details, completing a holistic artistic image of the object. And also to organize any projection process in the architecture or ingeneering, construction and finishing works.
  • Address Leningradsky Avenue, 16-2, 125040 Moscow | Russian Federation
  • Tel +74993434203

MNdesign Design Studio was founded by architect-designer Mikhail Novinskiy in 2010. Mikhail Novinskiy was born in Moscow and graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry on a speciality Interior Design. Since 2003 he has been designing private and public interiors, furniture and interior objects and also architecture. In 2010 he founded his own design studio – MNdesign, specializing in the iterior design in modern styles – minimalism, contemporary, loft and...

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