DA-LAB Arquitectos

Architecture Firm Lima / Peru

6 Followers 1,032 Visits
DA-LAB Arquitectos 6
DA-LAB Arquitectos
DA-LAB is a multi -disciplinary team dedicated to interior design, architecture and construction.
We develop all type of projects: renovations, graphic interventions, industrial design, commercial and residential architecture (beach, city, country and apartment housing); and urban development.
DA-LAB Arquitectos
DA-LAB Arquitectos
  • Address Jr. Colina 107, Barranco Lima | Peru
  • Tel 2488687
  • Tel 977281189

DA-LAB is a multi -disciplinary team dedicated to interior design, architecture and construction. We develop all type of projects: renovations, graphic interventions, industrial design, commercial and residential architecture (beach, city, country and apartment housing); and urban development.

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