Tropical Space

Architecture Firm Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam

61 Followers 5,661 Visits
Tropical Space 61
Tropical Space
TROPICAL SPACE is an architecture firm based in Ho Chi Minh city, founded by architect Nguyen Hai Long and Tran Thi Ngu Ngon. We are specialised in designing and planning from master planning, urban design, architecture, landscape and interior design.
With a deep understanding in VIetnam’s culture and climate, Tropical Space is committed to encouraging the clients toward the use of environmentally friendly, building practices and sustainable material selection.
Tropical Space is confident to satisfy clients with innovative and unique designs while ensuring to deliver the projects on time and budget."
Tropical Space
Tropical Space
  • Address 253 đường nguyễn thái bình p4 Ho Chi Minh City | Vietnam
  • Tel 0967033675

TROPICAL SPACE is an architecture firm based in Ho Chi Minh city, founded by architect Nguyen Hai Long and Tran Thi Ngu Ngon. We are specialised in designing and planning from master planning, urban design, architecture, landscape and interior design. With a deep understanding in VIetnam’s culture and climate, Tropical Space is committed to encouraging the clients toward the use of environmentally friendly, building practices and sustainable material selection. Tropical Space is confident to...

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Tran Thi Ngu Ngon
  • Tran Thi Ngu Ngon
  • Director