eau arquitectura
Architecture Firm Vigo / Spain

Spain / 2015
eau arquitectura

Casa H
Vigo / Spain / 2014
eau arquitectura

Vigo / Spain / 2013
eau arquitectura

Casa Cendón
Vigo / Spain / 2012
eau arquitectura

Casa en Mos
Mos / Spain / 2012
eau arquitectura

Casa Cans
O Porriño / Spain / 2012
eau arquitectura

Edificio Novaprogreso
Vigo / Spain / 2011
eau arquitectura

Sede Disgobe
Mos / Spain / 2011
eau arquitectura

Edificios Castrepi
Baiona / Spain / 2011
eau arquitectura

Pareados en Alcabre
Vigo / Spain / 2010
eau arquitectura

Humanización Castrelo de Cima
Riós / Spain / 2010
eau arquitectura

Edificio UGT
Vigo / Spain / 2010
eau arquitectura

Casa Crecente
Crecente / Spain / 2010
eau arquitectura

Bodega Altos de Torona
Tomiño / Spain / 2010
eau arquitectura

Manzana Masso
Bueu / Spain / 2009
eau arquitectura
In EAU Arquitectura we are a multidisciplinary group of professionals with extensive experience where we combine architecture, urbanism, engineering and design. Understanding that each project is unique, we treat with care the details and its proper implementation, always generating a dialogue with the environment in which it is implanted.
The inhabitant is always the center of our projects, the whole idea generated is drawn around it, creating pleasant, comfortable and contemporary spaces.
Our architectural work range from residential, industrial, health-care projects, educational, commercial, offices to public spaces. In urban planning, we have extensive experience in urban development planning such as specific modifications, partial plans, detailed studies, special plans and urban advice to companies and municipalities are made.

- Address Calle Pintor Laxeiro, 13, portal 2, bajo comercial., 36211 Vigo | Spain
- Tel 986211397
- Fax 986290938
In EAU Arquitectura we are a multidisciplinary group of professionals with extensive experience where we combine architecture, urbanism, engineering and design. Understanding that each project is unique, we treat with care the details and its proper implementation, always generating a dialogue with the environment in which it is implanted. The inhabitant is always the center of our projects, the whole idea generated is drawn around it, creating pleasant, comfortable and contemporary...

- Alejandro González González
- Founder

- Teodoro De Francisco Antes
- Founder

- Juan Manuel Iglesias Portela
- Founder

- Oscar Rodríguez Fraga
- Founder
- Architectural Design
- Architectural restoration, conservation
- Temporary architecture, installations
- Structural analysis of civil buildings
- Structural analysis of industrial buildings
- Urban design
- Landscape Architecture
- Spatial planning and environmental protection
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Works management
- Construction site safety management
- Surveys and technical advice
- Real Estate Valuation
- Project Management
- Project Financing
- Facility Management and Global Service
- Business consulting and organizational
- Furniture and Interior Design
- Interior lighting
- Industrial Design