Workshop “Mondadori Design Cafè”

Interior and Living Design

by Domus Academy
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Si è concluso il  4 maggio scorso il workshop “Mondadori Design Cafè”, diretto dal direttore del Master in Interior and Living Design e dall’architetto Caterina Tiazzoldi, in collaborazione con il Gruppo Mondadori. Obiettivo: progettare una nuova area-caffè firmata Mondadori, che sintetizzi l’anima e i valori del gruppo attraverso il linguaggio del design e dell’arredamento.  I 100mq del Caffè sono un concentrato di molteplici funzioni: da area ristoro a zona relax, da edicola a negozio di gadget. Seguendo la sperimentazione di nuovi linguaggi e codici, ispirati alle combinazioni di diversi caratteri di comunicazione utilizzati, i progetti presentati dagli studenti del Master in Interior and Living Design sono in perfetta sintonia con l’universo editoriale del Gruppo Mondadori.

On May 4th, the results of the the workshop “Mondadori Design Cafè”, led by the director of the Master in Interior and Living Design and the architect Caterina Tiazzoldi, in collaboration with Mondadori Group were presented. The aim of the project was the design of a new cafè-area by Mondadori, representing the values of the publishing group, through the design and furnishing language. The 100 square meters of the Cafè are a mix of different functions: from restaurant to relax zone; from kiosk to gadget shop. Using new languages and codes, and the combination of different communication tools, the projects developed by the students of the Master in Interior and Living Design are in perfect tune with the editorial world of the Mondadori Group.

    • Domus Academy

      Domus Academy

      Milan / Italy

      Domus Academy, founded in 1982, is a real point of connection between design, fashion and management culture. Disclaimer: The comments, posts and links posted on this page does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Domus Academy Domus Academy respects the right to freedom of expression - but will not tolerate any spam, abusive, prejudiced or slanderous comments about the school, any of its staff (past or present), students, graduates and anything else posted on this page. The School reserves)