DESIGN_ Swedish Design shines brightly during London Design Festival 2013. Two exhibitions featuring young designers both showing high quality craftsmanship and innovation in design. Svensk Form is behind the annual initiative in collaboration with the Swedish Institute and the Swedish Embassy in London.
Svensk Form (the Swedish Society of Crafts and Design) is a not-for-profit membership association mandated by the Swedish government to promote Swedish design at home and abroad. Svensk Form’s goal is to demonstrate the benefits of good design to social development, to stimulate the development of design in Sweden, to increase respect for the value of design work and to expand and deepen attitudes towards issues of form and design.
In Loondon, Svensk Form presents nine Swedish designers’ work at Cabinets of Curiosity at Mint Shop (, some of the designers represent the finest young design pioneers Sweden has to offer today. The exhibition, focusing on wood furniture, opens on the 19th of September and includes work from Snickeriet, Färg&Blanche,Sami Kallio studio, Folkform, Lith Lith Lundin ,Jenny Ekdahl, Lukas Dahlen, Per Söderberg,Matilda Dahlquist, Stoft studio and AEO.
Dear Disaster cabinet by Stoft studio
Spåna, Mirro by Lukas Dahlen
Dome, Glimm and Seven by Lith Lith Lundin
The Finnish Blood in me by Sami Kallio studio