Love in furnishings

by la casa di sibilla
1 Love 799 Visits

Love, say the wise, is not a feeling but a capacity, involves being able to see how is really made the other, accept him/her, welcome him/her, do not pretend that he/she be what is not.

Talking about furnishings, love could mean grant to the other the space for his/her idiosyncrasies, his/her collections, his/her rites, even if these could seem to us the most crazy ones and without importance. It could mean to not pretend the perfection from the other, and don’t pretend that neither from that project of two, or more, persons which is a house.





















































One is messy and the other very tidy? it is right and proper to leave to the first a part of the home where he/she can feel happy in his/her confusion. To live well, you don't need a perfect abode if stokes continuous discussions.                                 

(text from the book “Una casa per te” of Emina Cevro Vukovic & Carin Scheve)
