De farine & d’eau fraîche: sweet pastries designed by Surface 3

A delicious melange of interior design and visual communication from Canada

by Malcolm Clark
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De farine & d’eau fraîche is a designer pastry house in Montréal, designed by the young Canadian office Surface3. With the creation of this space, the Canadian duo have attempted to capture the joy and that slightly infantile surprise you feel when confronted with a muffin or a slice of coloured cheesecake.

How do you create a place where you can quickly or relaxingly try the simple and universal ritual of a tempting break? Surface3 has developed a 360 degree strategy, from the interior design of the shop to the visual identity which also includes the delicious Facebook page.

The suspended luminous objects, the treatment of the surfaces, the rosettes which are on the ceiling and the natural wood furniture create an enchanted forest-like climate.

The arrangement of the space, which is increasingly intimate and comfortable, and the numerous surprising details (in continuity with the inventions of the bakery) tell a unique story to whoever crosses the shop's threshold.

    De farine & d’eau fraîche 86

    De farine & d’eau fraîche

    Montreal / Canada / 2012