Stephen Davy

Architect London / United Kingdom

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Stephen Davy 7
Stephen Davy
Stephen has a wealth of experience across a range of sectors including commercial, leisure, healthcare, residential and education: the practice’s education work led to Stephen becoming a school governor. Stephen sits on Design Review Panels for a number of London Boroughs, and has been a shortlisting judge for the RIBA awards London region and Civic Trust Awards. He was instrumental in formulating the RIBA Fee Toolkit about which he is regularly invited to speak at RIBA events. In addition, he
Stephen Davy
Stephen Davy
Teams 1 teams

Stephen has a wealth of experience across a range of sectors including commercial, leisure, healthcare, residential and education: the practice’s education work led to Stephen becoming a school governor. Stephen sits on Design Review Panels for a number of London Boroughs, and has been a shortlisting judge for the RIBA awards London region and Civic Trust Awards. He was instrumental in formulating the RIBA Fee Toolkit about which he is regularly invited to speak at RIBA events. In addition, he