Stanisław Mackiewicz

Designer Olsztyn / Poland

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Stanisław Mackiewicz 2
Stanisław Mackiewicz
Design Studio Stanislaw Mackiewicz - industrial design ,
Designing consumer products 3d ,
Product visualization , prototyping , implementation into production,
Repair systems - improving the existing production - modification of existing products.
Marketing activities related to the promotion and sale of
We offer you the opportunity to create new product ideas , innovative product market , our actions can generate new product quality, increasing the likelihood of your success.
Stanisław Mackiewicz
Stanisław Mackiewicz
  • Address ul.Królowej Jadwigi 2/5, 10-132 Olsztyn | Poland

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Design Studio Stanislaw Mackiewicz - industrial design , Designing consumer products 3d , Product visualization , prototyping , implementation into production, Repair systems - improving the existing production - modification of existing products. Marketing activities related to the promotion and sale of products. We offer you the opportunity to create new product ideas , innovative product market , our actions can generate new product quality, increasing the likelihood of your success. C