Savvas Sarafidis

Architect Manhasset / Greece

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Savvas Sarafidis 33
Savvas Sarafidis
Savvas Sarafidis is an architect and urban designer (Diploma of Arch NTU Athens, MSc in Architecture and Urban Design Columbia University in New York) with a broader interest in planning and environmental issues. As lead architect of the office he specializes in the design and construction management of private residences, apartment and mixed-use buildings of varying sizes and budgets, which uniquely reflect both the identity and cultural character of the client and the local environment.
Savvas Sarafidis
Savvas Sarafidis
  • Tel +302106008102
  • Fax +302106397988

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Savvas Sarafidis is an architect and urban designer (Diploma of Arch NTU Athens, MSc in Architecture and Urban Design Columbia University in New York) with a broader interest in planning and environmental issues. As lead architect of the office he specializes in the design and construction management of private residences, apartment and mixed-use buildings of varying sizes and budgets, which uniquely reflect both the identity and cultural character of the client and the local environment.
