Rebecca Sharkey

PR/Marketing Account City of London / United Kingdom

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Rebecca Sharkey
Rebecca is a London based designer, TV presenter, and consultant working in the interiors and furniture industry.

Graduating from the prestigious Glasgow School of Art in 2007 in Visual Communication, she went on to work for some of the UK's top design agencies before working as a consultant for a range of brands within the interiors and furniture sector. She currently consults for both furniture brands and commercial large scale projects including wide range of high profile clients, most rec
Rebecca Sharkey
Rebecca Sharkey
Teams 1 teams

Rebecca is a London based designer, TV presenter, and consultant working in the interiors and furniture industry. Graduating from the prestigious Glasgow School of Art in 2007 in Visual Communication, she went on to work for some of the UK's top design agencies before working as a consultant for a range of brands within the interiors and furniture sector. She currently consults for both furniture brands and commercial large scale projects including wide range of high profile clients, most rec