Rania Karatzouni

Architect Greece / Greece

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Rania Karatzouni 1
Rania Karatzouni
I'm working as an Architect since 2011, when i graduated from National Technical University of Athens (MArch Studies).I continued the 2year Master of hilosophy in Architecture (MSc). In 2013 i established my personal studio. RKtecture Studio is an architectural practice focused on innovative implementations& productive criticism. The result agrees with creativity &effectiveness.
What we do is_
Residential services & Interior Design
Commercial Services
Engineering Services
Big-scale Painti
Rania Karatzouni
Rania Karatzouni
  • Address Troon, 94, 11852 Greece | Greece

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I'm working as an Architect since 2011, when i graduated from National Technical University of Athens (MArch Studies).I continued the 2year Master of hilosophy in Architecture (MSc). In 2013 i established my personal studio. RKtecture Studio is an architectural practice focused on innovative implementations& productive criticism. The result agrees with creativity &effectiveness. What we do is_ Residential services & Interior Design Commercial Services Engineering Services Big-scale Painti
