Form Survey | Katja Pettersson

Stockholm / Sweden

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Select one! – Please choose the shape you like best! I want to invite people to participate in a survey to choose the form they like the most. I think it is important that I as a designers have a better understanding of why we prefer one product over another even if the function is exactly the same. February 2013 marks the start of the study. I have made a selection of shapes with a variety of 25 geometric shapes and scanned objects from nature that are printed in a 3D printer. Will all choose the same shape? Will men and women make different choices? Would the choice be different on another continent? This is a project that I will work with over time. I will collect what people are voting for to see if we are selecting in the same range of shapes or if it is completely random? The answers I get will for sure raise more questions. Is everything based on taste or is it so that humans prefer a specific form language and if so what grounds are that based on? Submit your favourite here
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    Select one! – Please choose the shape you like best! I want to invite people to participate in a survey to choose the form they like the most. I think it is important that I as a designers have a better understanding of why we prefer one product over another even if the function is exactly the same. February 2013 marks the start of the study. I have made a selection of shapes with a variety of 25 geometric shapes and scanned objects from nature that are printed in a 3D printer. Will all choose...

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    • Status Research/Thesis
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