KELLER minimal windows® 4+
Resources and energy efficiency - Ressourcen- und Energieeffizienz - Efficienza delle risorse ed energetica
The highly-insulated premium series meets the high standard of energy-saving glazing and maximum energy efficiency. It offers outstanding thermal insulation with Uw values of less than 0.80 W/m²K thanks to the use of triple glazing with a maximum glass thickness of up to 56 mm and can be used in low-energy and passive housing.
Die hochisolierte Premium-Serie entspricht dem hohen Anspruch an energiesparender Verglasung und maximale Energieeffizienz. Sie bietet hervorragende Wärmedämmung mit Uw-Werten < 0,80 W/m²K dank dem Einsatz von 3-fach Verglasung bis zu einer maximalen Glasstärke von 56 mm und ist einsetzbar im Niedrigenergie- und Passivhausbereich.
La serie Premium ad elevato isolamento soddisfa l’elevato requisito di vetro a risparmio energetico ed efficienza energetica massima.Essa offre un isolamento termico eccellente con valori Uw < 0,80 W/m²K grazie all’impiego del vetro triplo fino a uno spessore massimo pari a 56 mm ed è impiegabile nell’area bassa energia e casa passiva.
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The highly-insulated premium series meets the high standard of energy-saving glazing and maximum energy efficiency. It offers outstanding thermal insulation with Uw values of less than 0.80 W/m²K thanks to the use of triple glazing with a maximum glass thickness of up to 56 mm and can be used in low-energy and passive housing. Die hochisolierte Premium-Serie entspricht dem hohen Anspruch an energiesparender Verglasung und maximale Energieeffizienz. Sie bietet hervorragende Wärmedämmung mit...
- Status Completed works
- Type Single-family residence