Chalet Canelle | East West Real Estate International

Kappl / Austria / 2012

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[EN] Located on a steep mountain slope, this structure is a testament to contemporary alpine architecture, with the layout of each apartment designed to take advantage of the panoramic views. Interiors employ locally sourced materials inspired by the natural surroundings – stone, wood, glass and fur. It was important that each apartment receives its individual identity while preserving the character of the whole building. [ITA] - Situato sul ripido pendio della montagna, questa struttura è una perfetto esempio di architettura alpina contemporanea, con il layout di ogni appartamento progettato per sfruttare la vista panoramica. Gli interni impiegano materiali di provenienza locale ispirati all'ambiente naturale - pietra, legno, vetro e pelliccia. Era inoltre importante che ogni appartamento avesse una sua identità individuale, pur preservando il carattere dell’edificio nel suo complesso.
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    [EN] Located on a steep mountain slope, this structure is a testament to contemporary alpine architecture, with the layout of each apartment designed to take advantage of the panoramic views. Interiors employ locally sourced materials inspired by the natural surroundings – stone, wood, glass and fur. It was important that each apartment receives its individual identity while preserving the character of the whole building. [ITA] - Situato sul ripido pendio della montagna, questa struttura è una...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Hotel/Resorts / Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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