FreakishCLOCK | Sabrina Fossi

Wall clock Florence / Italy / 2013

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Industrial designer Sabrina Fossi advocates that it is minute differences and details that distinguish objects. This approach enables sharp and innovative designs: her FreakishCLOCK is certainly a outstanding product. The young designer’s goal is to minimalize the time concept. Instead of having a standard hours hand, the entire face of the watch is a spinning disk with a hole in the shape of the hours hand. This allows you to see through the disc, into the actual face of the watch, which has numbers written on it.
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    Industrial designer Sabrina Fossi advocates that it is minute differences and details that distinguish objects. This approach enables sharp and innovative designs: her FreakishCLOCK is certainly a outstanding product. The young designer’s goal is to minimalize the time concept. Instead of having a standard hours hand, the entire face of the watch is a spinning disk with a hole in the shape of the hours hand. This allows you to see through the disc, into the actual face of the watch, which has...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Client LIAF
    • Cost 79.00
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Graphic Design
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