Risky shop | smallna
Warsaw / Poland / 2012
risky shop was designed and created by smallna – design studio/vintage gallery.
space was dedicated to Antonina and Klara - 2 owners of risk madeinwarsaw - fashion brand. They are positively switched, and they do business in an odd way that is realy funky and successful. Co-operation between risk and smallna is like synergy, full of new added values..
Girls were inspiration for making showroom switched, up side down,
like the business run by Antonina and Klara.
risky shop is symbolic, can be seen in another way, It is also reflected in girls ideas of creating real fashion.
Ceiling is part of the story standing behind whole concept.
It is arranged in the way that is against the rules, even gravity
„pipes in clouds”
smallna collaborates with artists, we asked polish painter Mr Dariusz Fiet to paint the sky on the walls and we hang risk logo (more than 3m length) made of steel so it looks like pipes in the clouds
It is a one of a kind rack, recognizable for risk and created to present the latest risk clothes.
All the rack installation are realy curved, they fly in the whole the interior and can be seen both ways, normal and up side down
pipe racks are used for clothes in both directions, trousers hang up side down as well to make switched gravity impression more realistic
„behind every smart guy there is a jewish girl” – says sentence in shiksa
trousers from Jewish collection hang on the pipe,
next to it inflated sofa covered with the same risky grey melange fabric ,
everything exposed up side down against the rules
risky shop is a place for fashion and pure vintage design.
there was not much space in the 80sqm showroom that is why unique set of 30’s-80’s pieces from smallna collection you can find hanging on the ceiling, they lighten and compose with melange grey dresses
ceiling extends the space of showroom.
Paralely there is a wide range of risky products and sophisticated ligting & furniture displayed there.
white „floor” like tabula rasa / blank slate is a good base for starting the story of real people…
follow the rack in order to find 100 models of risky hoodies, tricky jeans, little grey dresses, riskirts, double jackets, risk’ n’ roses shirts, and accesories like HD hoodie – covers for laptops, and so many more… all with reflection of vintage light, masterpieces of industrial design
risk powered by smallna
soft & rough
light installation made from american 40’s train’s light, polish 60’s tramway light and japan 70’s mirror bawl gives extraordinary atmosphere,
although character of the lamps is so rough, it is soften by pleasent and warm wall covered with risky fabric and grey melange curtains
risky rack presenting children collection – miniaturized risk clothes
there must be naked lady who took her shoes and riskirt off and left it on the floor…
dress room works both ways.
Concrete baloons reflects the idea of the risky shop: one must be hold by heavy piece of brick, otherewise it would fly away,
second baloon just broke loose… like two risky girls, it so funny
Creation smallna with Joanna Gwóżdź
Pure Vintage: rare stone LaFonda Table / Ch & R Eames / Herman Miller
Sergio Mazza Toga chair / Artemide
Radboud van Beekum Armchair / Pastoe
George Carwardine Anglepoise lamp
hand made ceramic floor, limited edition patterns
plastic cool colours cranes from meat store containing magazines, books and albums
mixture of vintage lamps, projectors to make visual impact and inspiring work environment
street signal lighting attached to the kitchen on wheels. reacts on sounds and tones and reflecting 3 base colours
mobile kitchen aimed to be transformed onto dj’s place during risky parties
Florabo plants’ stand hanging on the wall, with automatic water system
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risky shop was designed and created by smallna – design studio/vintage gallery. space was dedicated to Antonina and Klara - 2 owners of risk madeinwarsaw - fashion brand. They are positively switched, and they do business in an odd way that is realy funky and successful. Co-operation between risk and smallna is like synergy, full of new added values.. Girls were inspiration for making showroom switched, up side down, like the business run by Antonina and Klara. risky shop is symbolic, can be...
- Year 2012
- Work finished in 2012
- Status Completed works
- Type Showrooms/Shops
- Websitehttp://www.riskmadeinwarsaw.com
- Websitehttps://www.facebook.com/riskmadeinwarsaw