block of wood | bergmeisterwolf architekten

perathoner wood carvings Zona Artigianale Pontives / Italy / 2012

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a pure wooden cube, shaped by carving, becomes the central theme of the project. The new construction re-interprets the antique wood carving tradition of the gardena valley. Bending, carving and engraving, openings and color variations generate movement, making the volume look as a large wooden sculpture. the wooden shingle surface covers a triangle-based bearing structure. The triangle and bending system is underlined with the rainwater gutters. The Visual and emotional perception of this element is present both indoors and outdoors.

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    a pure wooden cube, shaped by carving, becomes the central theme of the project. The new construction re-interprets the antique wood carving tradition of the gardena valley. Bending, carving and engraving, openings and color variations generate movement, making the volume look as a large wooden sculpture. the wooden shingle surface covers a triangle-based bearing structure. The triangle and bending system is underlined with the rainwater gutters. The Visual and emotional perception of this...

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