Colegiais´s sculptural fountain roundabout | João Carlos Gomes Branco

Arquitectura da Água Evora / Portugal / 2005

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WATER AND ART CONCEPT | Sculpture by Mestre Charrua | Architecture and Fountain Design by João Branco | Fountain Installation by GHESA Engineering | Photos by Silvestre Zamith | Client: Évora Municipality One of my favorite challenges: try to create a water work with art and architecture. This challenge was proposed by Evora Municipality (which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and had the vision and sensibility to honor one of their sculptors with this collective work of Art.
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    WATER AND ART CONCEPT | Sculpture by Mestre Charrua | Architecture and Fountain Design by João Branco | Fountain Installation by GHESA Engineering | Photos by Silvestre Zamith | Client: Évora Municipality One of my favorite challenges: try to create a water work with art and architecture. This challenge was proposed by Evora Municipality (which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and had the vision and sensibility to honor one of their sculptors with this collective work of Art.

    Project details
    • Year 2005
    • Work started in 2005
    • Work finished in 2005
    • Contractor GHESA
    • Cost 150.000€
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Public Squares
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