DB House | Avignon Clouet Architectes

Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire / France / 2012

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The arrangement of this house is born of the radical choice to place the required swimming pool in the very heart of it. The topic was set as such, With this pure white parallelepiped covered with scales on North face and glass on South face, the outside and in boundaries fantasized by architects are both mastered and still quite unclear. The house can either create a unique relationship in continuity with its garden, or otherwise preserves family life. In the evening, this "water lantern" illuminates the house and evokes that "regardless of the travel provided that the horizon is vast" [FR] L’organisation de cette maison est née du choix radical de positionner la piscine désirée au coeur de celle-ci. Le sujet a été ainsi posé ! Un parallélépipède d’un blanc immaculé recouvert d’écaille au nord et d’une façade vitrée au sud; ici les limites dedans-dehors tant fantasmées par les architectes sont à la fois maitrisées et trés floues. La maison peut développer un rapport singulier en continuité avec son jardin ou au contraire s’isoler pour une vie familiale préservée. Le soir venu, cette lanterne d’eau illumine la maison et rappelle que ‘Peu importe le voyage pourvu que l’horizon soit vaste’.
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    The arrangement of this house is born of the radical choice to place the required swimming pool in the very heart of it. The topic was set as such, With this pure white parallelepiped covered with scales on North face and glass on South face, the outside and in boundaries fantasized by architects are both mastered and still quite unclear. The house can either create a unique relationship in continuity with its garden, or otherwise preserves family life. In the evening, this "water lantern"...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Cost 255.554
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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