Patio house

Residence with roundabout gallery, patio and terrace Украина / Ukraine / 2012

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The house has been designed for middle-aged couple, who lives separately from adult children. Spacious flat plot and surrounding plain terrain led us to try blend the house with the landscape naturally, accentuating the flatness and the plainness - "not up, but in breadth". Form invention principle is "volume in volume". Internal rectangular volume of the house space is embraced with external volume of the outward frame, resulting the perimeter of the house a covered gallery has been formed. The difference between volumes is emphasized by finishing materials: internal volume with a bright warm wood and external with a monumental white concrete. Planar character of the house shape is accentuated by adjoining terrace and operated roof with lawn and seating area. Planning of the house provides the organization of space around the patio. The group of private premises is situated in the western part of the house, and the public living room and kitchen-dining room are located in the east part. Internal space of the house is embraced by gallery, which is partially converted into a terrace. Sliding window systems in the living room and kitchen-dining room make possible to join these premises with the surrounding gallery and terrace, as well as with patio from the inside. Access to every room except the bathroom and toilet, is possible both from inside and outside. Stairs in the patio provides connection with the roof. Gallery limits access of direct sunlight into the house. Whereas, required insolation of living room and kitchen-dining area is additionally provided through the patio. PATIO HOUSE interior is based on the continuation of usage of the exterior materials and colours inside the house. However, the differentiation of interior decoration materials is not based on the difference in volumes, but on the distinction of planes: vertical fencing surfaces are in warm, bright wood, whereas the horizontal floor and ceiling are in the range of white. Patio is the composition centre of the public part of the house. Constructive scheme of the building is performed of solid reinforced concrete frame on shallow foundation; wall filling is done of hollow ceramic blocks.
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    The house has been designed for middle-aged couple, who lives separately from adult children. Spacious flat plot and surrounding plain terrain led us to try blend the house with the landscape naturally, accentuating the flatness and the plainness - "not up, but in breadth". Form invention principle is "volume in volume". Internal rectangular volume of the house space is embraced with external volume of the outward frame, resulting the perimeter of the house a covered gallery has been formed....

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work started in 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Single-family residence / Country houses/cottages / Interior Design
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