Housing Bifamiliar for two brothers | Tiago Francisco

Private Condominium Sintra / Portugal / 2011

3 Love 925 Visits Published
Housing Bifamiliar two brothers with luxury finishes in a private condominium. Set of two dwellings physically separated but united by architectural language pure and linear. Both houses have 2/3 floors and 4 rooms and an office job. one has buried a floor that works essentially as a private garage and storage.
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    Housing Bifamiliar two brothers with luxury finishes in a private condominium. Set of two dwellings physically separated but united by architectural language pure and linear. Both houses have 2/3 floors and 4 rooms and an office job. one has buried a floor that works essentially as a private garage and storage.

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work started in 2011
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Multi-family residence
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