Hanaha | mA-style Architects

Makinohara / Japan / 2011

50 Love 7,546 Visits Published
The courtyard named hanaha is located in a height of 2m from a ground line, and it constitutes space so that this courtyard may be surrounded. Centering on hanaha, the flower and trees which bloom to a courtyard because people move spirally send a new expression for every space. Family surround the yard named hanaha and are living. hanahaga brings up a family. A family feels joy to growth of hanaha.
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    The courtyard named hanaha is located in a height of 2m from a ground line, and it constitutes space so that this courtyard may be surrounded. Centering on hanaha, the flower and trees which bloom to a courtyard because people move spirally send a new expression for every space. Family surround the yard named hanaha and are living. hanahaga brings up a family. A family feels joy to growth of hanaha.

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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