Google Data Center - Where the Internet lives | Google Inc.

Mountain View / United States / 2010

49 Love 7,210 Visits Published
"We’ve come a long way from the dorm room and the garage. We moved into our headquarters in Mountain View, California—better known as the Googleplex—in 2004. Today Google has more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe. Though no two Google offices are the same, visitors to any office can expect to find a few common features: murals and decorations expressing local personality; Googlers sharing cubes, yurts and "huddles"; video games, pool tables and pianos; cafes and "microkitchens" stocked with healthy food; and good old fashioned whiteboards for spur-of-the-moment brainstorming".
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    "We’ve come a long way from the dorm room and the garage. We moved into our headquarters in Mountain View, California—better known as the Googleplex—in 2004. Today Google has more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe. Though no two Google offices are the same, visitors to any office can expect to find a few common features: murals and decorations expressing local personality; Googlers sharing cubes, yurts and "huddles"; video games, pool tables and pianos; cafes and...

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