Daegu Gosan Public Library | Stefano Gambacciani

Proposal for the Daegu Gosan Public Library Competition Daegu / South Korea / 2012

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Library concept Daegu is a metropolitan city in South Korea, the fourth of the Country in size. It is located in a very attractive environment as it is surrounded by natural elements such as the sea, just 80 km far, Geumho river that is crossing it, and the hilly landscape that is surrounding and embracing the valley. The city is famous for its industrial economy but nowadays its aim is to become a pole for fashion and high technologies, that’s why the city is renovating and seeking for new spaces. The project area is located in a lively neighbourhood where nature, agriculture, culture, sports and residential activities are living together in an environment of very high educational standards. The neighbourhood is made of a very active small scale community and the library’s aim is to develop creativity and knowledge, a place where culture and life live in harmony, and at the same time is a place where to gather. That is the reason why the library needs to be a flexible space, a place where you can study and make research but also a place where to grow up. It has to be a gathering point, attractive, relaxing but also with a high quality cultural events schedule. The eco of the surrounding nature is giving the inspiration for the architectural shape. Nature gives a rhythm to the organic shapes that recall the traditional hilly landscape. The roof is like a sheet that rises and lowers depending on spaces that are planned below it. The organic shape is on one side a recall to the local orography and on the other one is a will to have a space that is as natural as possible. As the library wants to be a place where to live, where children can grow up, where people can spend time in different kind of activities, where creativity and knowledge can grow in a spontaneous and natural way, the shapes that are creating this kind of atmosphere have to be part of a natural language and be penetrated by nature itself. Project sustainability The project is thought to be sustainable, in all the fields and areas of sustainability. As sustainability context is made of environmental, social and economical aspects we tried to make it bearable, equitable and viable to reach the goal of the perfect sustainability. Following the spheres of sustainability we approached the environmental point of view analysing a sustainable possible use of the natural resources, with a particular care to the prevention of pollution and emissions and with an attentive eye on the main topics of air, water, land and wastes. Consequently the project is using different kind of technologies and strategies. At the lower level there’s a geothermal heat pump that naturally provides the right temperature to water both in winter and in summer season, needed for cooling and heating. At the roof level there is a thick layer of thermal insulation and green areas that prevent heat losses. Thermal comfort is guaranteed naturally as the project is half hypogeum. Moreover the roof has several hollows that allow rain water collection that is than stored in an underground tank and reused for watering and for toilets. The roof is also perforated through green courts, that help cross ventilation through a chimney ventilation effect and reduce the consumption of electricity thanks to natural lighting reaching also the basement. The social sphere is concerning the increase of quality in the standards of living, the education level and is reinforcing the community spirit creating a place where you can have equal opportunities. The library is a lively place where you can grow in a safe and cultural atmosphere. Furthermore the economical sphere is taking into account the cost saving, the profits that it is able to generate, the area possibility to increase and grow and the research and development qualities. The library will for sure increase the economical value of the area, and may also generate an architectonical tourist effect. The area, close to the new stadium, may be part of a circuit of new attractive architectonical elements calling art and architectural lovers from all over the world. Moreover the project is thought to have a double soul: a profit and a non profit one. The non profit one is the most important for the social aim of the project, but the profit areas can be treated as independent and are able to generate an income that is giving a pay-off to the public investment. These parts of the project can be used independently from the library to be rented or used for exhibitions, conferences, seminars, concerts and festivals that can also bring private investments.
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    Library concept Daegu is a metropolitan city in South Korea, the fourth of the Country in size. It is located in a very attractive environment as it is surrounded by natural elements such as the sea, just 80 km far, Geumho river that is crossing it, and the hilly landscape that is surrounding and embracing the valley. The city is famous for its industrial economy but nowadays its aim is to become a pole for fashion and high technologies, that’s why the city is renovating and seeking for new...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Libraries / Media Libraries
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