New University Hospital in Aarhus
Progetto vincitore del concorso Aarhus / Denmark / 2020
Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller
Cubo Arkitekter A/S, Avanti Architects Ltd (UK), Schønherr Landskab A/S, Tegnestuen Havestuen, Rambøll Gruppen A/S, Birch & Krogboe A/S, Søren Jensen Rådgiv. Ingeniørfirma, Nosyko AS (N), Lohfert & Lohfert AS og Capgemini Danmark A/S
The large hospital complex will be organised like a town, with a hierarchy of neighbourhoods, streets and squares providing the basis for a diverse, dynamic and green urban area. The complex is divided up into professional communities with their own identities, for better clarity. The hospital town consists of three main elements: a two-storey base with treatment departments, wards which rise above the base to a height of four storeys, and the "Forum" – the central arrivals area, where the public functions are located at the foot of three tower blocks. The tower blocks will house the hospital's administration, research facilities and patient hotel, respectively. On the ground floor will be the main reception area and the outwardly-directed functions, such as the conference centre, shops, bank, cinema and other service functions.
Cubo Arkitekter A/S, Avanti Architects Ltd (UK), Schønherr Landskab A/S, Tegnestuen Havestuen, Rambøll Gruppen A/S, Birch & Krogboe A/S, Søren Jensen Rådgiv. Ingeniørfirma, Nosyko AS (N), Lohfert & Lohfert AS og Capgemini Danmark A/S
The large hospital complex will be organised like a town, with a hierarchy of neighbourhoods, streets and squares providing the basis for a diverse, dynamic and green urban area. The complex is divided up into professional communities with their own identities, for better clarity. The hospital town consists of three main elements: a two-storey base with treatment departments, wards which rise above the base to a height of four storeys, and the "Forum" – the central arrivals area, where the public functions are located at the foot of three tower blocks. The tower blocks will house the hospital's administration, research facilities and patient hotel, respectively. On the ground floor will be the main reception area and the outwardly-directed functions, such as the conference centre, shops, bank, cinema and other service functions.
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Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller Collaborators Cubo Arkitekter A/S, Avanti Architects Ltd (UK), Schønherr Landskab A/S, Tegnestuen Havestuen, Rambøll Gruppen A/S, Birch & Krogboe A/S, Søren Jensen Rådgiv. Ingeniørfirma, Nosyko AS (N), Lohfert & Lohfert AS og Capgemini Danmark A/S The large hospital complex will be organised like a town, with a hierarchy of neighbourhoods, streets and squares providing the basis for a diverse, dynamic and green urban area. The complex is divided up into...
- Year 2020
- Work finished in 2020
- Client Region Mid-Jutland
- Status Competition works
- Type Hospitals, private clinics
- Website