NYU Department of Philosophy | Steven Holl Architects

New York / United States / 2007

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NYU Department of Philosophy (eng - ita) ENG The Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences and a committee of Philosophy Professors collaborated in the selection of Steven Holl Architects to design the complete interior renovation of an 1890 corner building at 5 Washington Place for the consolidation of the New York University Department of Philosophy within a concept which organizes the new spaces around light and phenomenal properties of materials. A new stair shaft below a new skylight joins the 6-level building vertically with a shifting porosity of light and shadow that change seasonally. Prismatic film was installed on the south-facing stairwell windows which occasionally break the sunlight into a prismatic rainbow. The Ground level, utilized by the entire University, contains a new curvilinear wooden auditorium on a cork floor. The upper level floors contain Faculty Offices and Seminar Rooms which are done in different shades and textures of black & white, according to the texts in Ludwig Wittgenstein's book 'Remarks on Colour'. The building exists within the NoHo Historic District and is within the jurisdiction of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission. The building is part of the main NYU campus within New York City's Greenwich Village and is sited on access to Washington Square Park. ITA Sebbene l’architettura esterna dello storico edificio risalente al 1890 sia rimasta intatta, il rinnovamento degli spazi interni ha conferito alla struttura una nuova e luminosa immagine. La riorganizzazione dei diversi ambienti della struttura ha interessato una superficie complessiva di 30mila metri quadrati, che Steven Holl ha rimodernato giocando sugli effetti prodotti dalla luce e dall’utilizzo dei materiali. Peculiarità del progetto di rinnovamento è la nuova “porosa” scala di colore bianco che collega i sei livelli dell’edificio cambiando direzione a ciascun piano. Una pellicola prismatica incisa con laser scompone la luce solare nei colori dell’arcobaleno, producendo un effetto sempre diverso col cambiare delle stagioni e nelle diverse ore del giorno. I piani più alti, dove trovano spazio gli uffici e le aule dei seminari, sono stati immaginati nelle sfumature del bianco e del nero, la cui ispirazione è rintracciabile, come suggerito dallo stesso progettista, nell’opera di Ludwig Wittgenstein dal titolo “Osservazioni sui colori”.
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    NYU Department of Philosophy (eng - ita) ENG The Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences and a committee of Philosophy Professors collaborated in the selection of Steven Holl Architects to design the complete interior renovation of an 1890 corner building at 5 Washington Place for the consolidation of the New York University Department of Philosophy within a concept which organizes the new spaces around light and phenomenal properties of materials. A new stair shaft below a new skylight joins...

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