Villa FVL | EXiT architetti associati

Tabià nelle Dolomiti Cadore / Italy / 2010

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Finestre in legno naturale

Antico tabià in Cadore ristrutturato mantenendo le caratteristiche originali, aggiornato secondo i canoni della bioedilizia e della bioarchitettura. Finestre ad anta/ribalta, portefinestre e alzanti scorrevoli modello ONE in larice naturale trattato con olio di agrumi. Serramenti scorrevoli con telaio sopra parete.

Reclaimed natural wood windows

This old mountain house has been disassembled and rebuilt following bioarchitectural and green building recommendations. Tilt-and-turn windows, French doors and lift-and-slide patio doors model ONE in natural untreated larch wood with citrus oil finishing.

Sliding windows with exposed counterframe. Shutters and doors made with authentic reclaimed antique wood. Designer bookshelf in stainless steel and wood.

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    Finestre in legno naturale Antico tabià in Cadore ristrutturato mantenendo le caratteristiche originali, aggiornato secondo i canoni della bioedilizia e della bioarchitettura. Finestre ad anta/ribalta, portefinestre e alzanti scorrevoli modello ONE in larice naturale trattato con olio di agrumi. Serramenti scorrevoli con telaio sopra parete. Reclaimed natural wood windows This old mountain house has been disassembled and rebuilt following bioarchitectural and green building...

    Project details
    • Year 2010
    • Work finished in 2010
    • Main structure Wood
    • Client Privato
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Single-family residence / Multi-family residence / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers / Lofts/Penthouses / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings
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