House for 4 architects | Marco Merigo

Amsterdam / Netherlands / 2007

12 Love 1,895 Visits Published
The lot assigned (18m x 5m) is into the last major urban expansion in Amsterdam, a piece of land along the sea. The project brief was to design a residence for four architecture students underlying certain architectural parameters. After an assessment of the area allocation, functional displacement was achieved by subdividing the lot into two parts (2.5 m each) with a fully glazed interior wall transversing through to maximize the amount of natural light and expand the perceivable space to give an illusion of a bigger area.
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    The lot assigned (18m x 5m) is into the last major urban expansion in Amsterdam, a piece of land along the sea. The project brief was to design a residence for four architecture students underlying certain architectural parameters. After an assessment of the area allocation, functional displacement was achieved by subdividing the lot into two parts (2.5 m each) with a fully glazed interior wall transversing through to maximize the amount of natural light and expand the perceivable space to give...

    Project details
    • Year 2007
    • Status Research/Thesis
    • Type Student Halls of residence
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