Gravity Stool | Jólan van der Wiel

In dialogue with a natural phenomenon. Amsterdam / Netherlands / 2012

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Departing from the idea that everything is influenced by gravitation, a force that has a strongly shaping effect, I intended to manipulate this natural phenomenon by exploiting its own power: magnetism. The positioning of the magnetic fields in the machine, opposing each other, has largely determined the final shape of the Gravity Stool. The products are characterised by the freakish and organic shapes that are so typical of nature itself.
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    Departing from the idea that everything is influenced by gravitation, a force that has a strongly shaping effect, I intended to manipulate this natural phenomenon by exploiting its own power: magnetism. The positioning of the magnetic fields in the machine, opposing each other, has largely determined the final shape of the Gravity Stool. The products are characterised by the freakish and organic shapes that are so typical of nature itself.

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Custom Furniture
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