Two Garnets | Werner Tscholl, Architekt

Granat - The Timmelsjoch Experience Stulles, Moso in Passiria / Italy / 2011

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Standing on the rocky hillside near Stuls, ( Italy) a stunning view down to the village of Moos and across the far end of the Passeiertal valley opens up before you. Two garnets, modeled on the geological rock formations found in the Passeiertal valley, serve as an exhibition room and a viewing platform.

Sulla parete rocciosa nei pressi di Stulles, si apre una vista spettacolare su Moso e sulla retrostante Val Passiria. Due granati - strutture architettoniche che si ispirano alle formazioni geologiche tipiche della Val Passiria - fungono rispettivamente da spazio espositivo e piattaforma d’osservazione.

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    Standing on the rocky hillside near Stuls, ( Italy) a stunning view down to the village of Moos and across the far end of the Passeiertal valley opens up before you. Two garnets, modeled on the geological rock formations found in the Passeiertal valley, serve as an exhibition room and a viewing platform. [IT]Sulla parete rocciosa nei pressi di Stulles, si apre una vista spettacolare su Moso e sulla retrostante Val Passiria. Due granati - strutture architettoniche che si ispirano alle...

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