L.I.U. #6 | marco pasian

Live interface unit Dobbia / Italy / 2006

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A box L.I.U. was installed in the middle of an exhibition area.
As the peolple gathered the performance started...
98% enter the LIU
67% entermore than once
54% shows it to a friend
100% of those with camera have taken photos
100% of the children have played with it
100% have somehow experienced the inside-outside effect
0% of all the present was aware of actively perfoming our installation
0 users love this project
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    A box L.I.U. was installed in the middle of an exhibition area.As the peolple gathered the performance started...98% enter the LIU67% entermore than once54% shows it to a friend100% of those with camera have taken photos100% of the children have played with it100% have somehow experienced the inside-outside effect0% of all the present was aware of actively perfoming our installation

    Project details
    • Year 2006
    • Client DobiArtEventi
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Exhibitions /Installations
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