Danfoss Universe | J. MAYER H. Architects

Extension (Phase II) Food Factory and Curiosity Center Nordborg / Denmark / 2007

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“Food Factory” and “Curiosity Center” are at the center of the extension of “Danfoss Universe”, a 5,5 hectar science amusement park near the headquarter of Danfoss Enterprise in Nordborg, Denmark, expected to open in April 2007. The park will be extended by two buildings: a Restaurant and an Exhibition-Conference-Center (in total 1400m2). These new buildings, a restaurant and an exhibition-conference-center, interlocked with the outdoor landscape area, emphasize the image and identity of scientific curiosity of Danfoss Universe. [IT] Ultimato a maggio del 2005, la struttura è stata ampliata a distanza di soli due anni in virtù della costante e considerevole affluenza dei visitatori. L’intervento è consistito nella realizzazione di due nuovi edifici: il centro espositivo denominato “Curiosity Center”, ed il ristorante “Food Factory” che, chiudendo alcuni spazi esterni, consente la fruizione del parco per esposizioni ed eventi scientifici anche nei mesi invernali. Paesaggio naturale e ricerca tecnologica si fondono nei nuovi spazi disegnati dall’architettura di J Mayer H Architects. Il contorno irregolare delle due strutture – la cui sagoma ricorda delle zolle terrestri - confonde la linea di demarcazione tra paesaggio e costruito offrendo una fusione di spazi interni ed esterni in un nuovo insieme in costante relazione con le esposizioni temporanee programmate all’interno.
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    “Food Factory” and “Curiosity Center” are at the center of the extension of “Danfoss Universe”, a 5,5 hectar science amusement park near the headquarter of Danfoss Enterprise in Nordborg, Denmark, expected to open in April 2007. The park will be extended by two buildings: a Restaurant and an Exhibition-Conference-Center (in total 1400m2). These new buildings, a restaurant and an exhibition-conference-center, interlocked with the outdoor landscape area, emphasize the image and identity of...

    Project details
    • Year 2007
    • Work started in 2006
    • Work finished in 2007
    • Client Danfoss Universe
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Pavilions / Restaurants
    • Websitehttp://www.jmayerh.de
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