Vanke Center | Steven Holl Architects

Horizontal skyscraper Shenzhen / China / 2009

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HORIZONTAL SKYSCRAPER - VANKE CENTER (eng - ita) ENG Hovering over a tropical garden, this 'horizontal skyscraper' - as long as the Empire State Building is tall - unites into one vision the headquarters for Vanke Co. ltd, office spaces, apartments, and a hotel. A conference center, spa and parking are located under the large green, public landscape. The building appears as if it were once floating on a higher sea that has now subsided; leaving the structure propped up high on eight legs. The decision to float one large structure right under the 35-meter height limit, instead of several smaller structures each catering to a specific program, was inspired by the hope to create views over the lower developments of surrounding sites to the South China Sea, and to generate the largest possible green space open to the public on the ground level. The underside of the floating structure becomes its main elevation from which sunken glass cubes, the so-called Shenzhen windows, offer 360-degree views over the lush tropical landscape below. Covering the entire length of the building a public path has been proposed to connect through the hotel, and the apartment zones up to the office wings. The floating horizontal building allows sea and land breezes to pass through the public gardens. The landscape, inspired by Roberto Burle Marx' gardens in Brazil contains restaurants and cafes in vegetated mounds bracketed with pools and walkways. At night a walk through this landscape of flowering tropical plants will mix the smell of jasmine with the colorful glow of the undersides of the structure floating above. As a tropical, sustainable 21st century vision the building and the landscape integrate several new sustainable aspects. The Vanke Center is a tsunami-proof 21st century hovering architecture that creates a porous micro-climate of freed landscape and is one of the first LEED platinum rated buildings in Southern China. ITA Conosciuto anche col nome di “Horizontal Skyscraper”, il complesso a uso misto da 220 mila metri quadrati è sede degli uffici della Vanke Co. ltd, appartamenti, un hotel, un centro conferenze, una spa e un parcheggio. Sopraelevato su pilotis l'edificio lascia “libero” il paesaggio sottostante - un giardino tropicale che cita visivamente i giardini brasiliani di Roberto Burle Marx. L’intervento coinvolge infatti un’area di 60mila metri quadri, di cui 28mila sono non edificati. “Sollevare l'edificio dal terreno ha comportato un delicato intreccio di tecniche ingegneristiche all’avanguardia, architettura del paesaggio e ambiente naturale. Il progetto paesaggistico è stato elaborato per ridurre al minimo deflusso, erosione e altri tipi di danni ambientali associati alle dinamiche di sviluppo urbano”. Tra le soluzioni ecosostenibili che caratterizzano l’edificio si possono citare sistemi per il riciclo delle acque grigie e per la raccolta delle acque piovane tetti verdi, aperture operabili e superfici vetrate ad alte prestazioni. 1.400 metri quadrati di pannelli fotovoltaici sono installati sul tetto del complesso e producono una quantità di energia tale da soddisfare il 12,5 % della domanda totale proveniente dagli uffici del Vanke Center. Porte, pavimenti e arredamento degli headquarters Vanke Co. sono realizzati con materiali riciclabili.
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    HORIZONTAL SKYSCRAPER - VANKE CENTER (eng - ita) ENG Hovering over a tropical garden, this 'horizontal skyscraper' - as long as the Empire State Building is tall - unites into one vision the headquarters for Vanke Co. ltd, office spaces, apartments, and a hotel. A conference center, spa and parking are located under the large green, public landscape. The building appears as if it were once floating on a higher sea that has now subsided; leaving the structure propped up high on eight legs. The...

    Project details
    • Year 2009
    • Work finished in 2009
    • Client Shenzhen Vanke Real Estate Co.
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Multi-family residence / Office Buildings / Hotel/Resorts
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