Lilas: installation Serpentine Gallery

London / United Kingdom / 2007

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t Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher, Partner at Zaha Hadid Architect’s designed a temporary installation on the occasion of the Gallery’s world-renowned fundraiser The Summer Party, which took place on 11 July. It was sited on the lawn next to the Gallery where it remained for a period of one week. The installation was designed as an open air space, 5.5 meters in height that consisted of three identical fabric structures or parasols arrayed around a central point. Each parasol developed sculpturally from a small articulated base to a large cantilevered diamond shape. Taking inspiration from complex natural geometries such as flower petals and leaves the three parasols overlapped to create the installation’s main conceptual feature: complex symmetry, interweaving all-the-while without touching, allowing air, light and sound to travel through narrow gaps in a state that is both open and likewise tending toward closure. Raised on a low platform located within an open field flanked by a row of trees just South of the Serpentine Gallery, the installation was free standing and accessible from all sides. [IT] Il progetto consiste in uno spazio aperto, che si sviluppa per 5.5 metri di altezza, composto da tre strutture a forma di ombrellone sistemate attorno ad un nucleo centrale. La scultorea geometria di ciascun elemento si sviluppa a partire da una piccola base che pian piano si allarga assumendo la forma di un parasole. Il progetto rappresenta una ulteriore testimonianza dell’interesse della celebre progettista in una rigorosa connessione tra architettura e natura. Traendo ispirazione dalle complesse geometrie naturali ad esempio dei petali di fiore o delle foglie, Zaha Hadid ha immaginato tre parasole combacianti che si avvicinano senza mai toccarsi dando vita ad una simmetria complessa che consente il passaggio di luce ed aria in uno spazio che sembra abbracciare il visitatore restando tuttavia aperto.
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    t Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher, Partner at Zaha Hadid Architect’s designed a temporary installation on the occasion of the Gallery’s world-renowned fundraiser The Summer Party, which took place on 11 July. It was sited on the lawn next to the Gallery where it remained for a period of one week. The installation was designed as an open air space, 5.5 meters in height that consisted of three identical fabric structures or parasols arrayed around a central point. Each parasol developed...

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