tea shop, café’ and pastry bakery 茶及烘焙产品 Pechino / China / 2022

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Layout for théATRE project in Sanlitun Taikooli is characterized by a strong architectural approach. The space is organized like an opera theatre, with a central axis of symmetry along which all elements are organized. The main bar is in the center surrounded by platforms where customers can sit. A circular yellow wall in the background is like a curtain, on the sides of which waiters go in and out as if they were actors crossing the theatrical stage. The ceiling has a slight inclination that accentuates the scenographic effects of the perspective, with a large round backlit skylight suggesting the feeling of being under a large glazed vault.

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    Layout for théATRE project in Sanlitun Taikooli is characterized by a strong architectural approach. The space is organized like an opera theatre, with a central axis of symmetry along which all elements are organized. The main bar is in the center surrounded by platforms where customers can sit. A circular yellow wall in the background is like a curtain, on the sides of which waiters go in and out as if they were actors crossing the theatrical stage. The ceiling has a slight inclination...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work started in 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Showrooms/Shops / Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lighting Design / Graphic Design / Furniture design / self-production design
    • Website
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