House Between the Trees | Peter Kjær Arkitekter
Denmark / 2022
The house between the trees is a discreet T-shaped summer house with an archetypal roof shape, which hides many special details. The house is built in a breathable wooden construction with a special foundation and terrain deck that minimizes the use of concrete.
The house is adapted to the lot's many trees, and has a bedroom wing that screens the road, a family room to the west and the kitchen at the meeting point between the two wings. From the kitchen and family room there is access to two terraces, which capture the morning, midday and evening sun. The kitchen forms a staircase to a loft that lets in the morning light from the east.
Foundations and ground cover typically make up 50% of the climate footprint over 50 years on 1-storey wooden houses, and we have a lot of focus on minimizing this. Especially in holiday home areas, height restrictions can make it difficult to build on stilts, which can otherwise make it possible to make terrain decks in biogenic materials. The house between the trees is founded directly on the ground but with a minimized use of concrete: the foundation is screwed piles with an edge casting of concrete with wooden formwork. The extent of concrete is therefore a fraction of a traditional foundation, and at the same time we utilize the material's robustness and aesthetic potential in the visible plinth beam. The terrain deck is made without the use of concrete, as a floating floor with floor chipboards and Douglas fir boards directly on pressure-resistant insulation.
Frames, collar beams and other internal detailing are made of Douglas-fir, and all walls are covered with plywood, which gives a very robust surface that patinas beautifully. All interior wooden surfaces are soap-treated.
Both the roof and facades are made breathable with vapor retarder and wind barriers made of wood fiber and blown-in wood fiber insulation. The facade is covered with linseed oiled spruce and the roof is spruce boards with roofing felt.
Huset mellem træerne er et diskret T-formet sommerhus med en arketypisk tagform, som gemmer på mange særlige detaljer. Huset er opført i en åndbar trækonstruktion med et særligt fundament og terrændæk, der minimerer brugen af beton.
Huset er tilpasset grundens mange træer, og er disponeret med en værelsesfløj som skærmer mod vejen, et alrum mod vest og køkkenet i mødet mellem de to fløje. Fra køkken og alrum er der adgang til to terrasser, som fanger morgen-, middags- og aftensolen. Køkkenet danner en trappe til en hems, der lader morgenlyset slippe ind fra øst.
Fundament og terrændæk udgør typisk 50% af klimaftrykket over 50 år på 1-plans huse af træ, og vi har meget fokus på at minimere dette. Særligt i sommerhusområder kan højderestriktioner gøre det svært at bygge på pæle, hvilket ellers kan gøre det muligt at udføre terrændæk i biogene materialer. Huset mellem træerne er funderet direkte på jorden men med et minimeret brug af beton: Fundamentet er skruede pæle med en kantstøbning af beton med træforskalling. Omfanget af beton er altså en brøkdel af et traditionelt fundament, og samtidig udnytter vi materialet robusthed og æstetiske potentiale i den synlige sokkelbjælke. Terrændækket er udført uden brug af beton, som et svømmende gulv med gulvspånplader og douglasbrædder direkte på trykfast isolering.
Indfatninger, hanebånd og øvrig indvendig detaljering er udført i douglas, og alle vægge er beklædt med en tynd østenfinér, som giver en meget robust overflade, der patinerer smukt. Alle indvendige træoverflader er sæbebehandlede.
Både tag og facader er udført åndbare med dampbremse og vindspærrer af træfiber og med indblæst træfiberisolering. Facaden er beklædt med linoliemalet gran og taget er granbrædder med tagpapdækning.
Construction: Regnestuen
Photography: James Silverman (
The house between the trees is a discreet T-shaped summer house with an archetypal roof shape, which hides many special details. The house is built in a breathable wooden construction with a special foundation and terrain deck that minimizes the use of concrete. The house is adapted to the lot's many trees, and has a bedroom wing that screens the road, a family room to the west and the kitchen at the meeting point between the two wings. From the kitchen and family room there is access to two...
- Year 2022
- Work finished in 2022
- Status Completed works