Casa Cientoonce | ZOOCO Estudio

Madrid / Spain / 2022

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The project was born out of respect for Madrid's residential architecture of the early twentieth century: the house belongs to one of the residential colonies that took place in Madrid during the first quarter of the last century. The property, which paradoxically was built along with the other buildings in the 1920s under the "Law of Cheap Houses of 1921", presented a large accumulation of layers and additions. This was the result of the different owners and interventions that the building suffered for almost 100 years. This excess of information, far from showing the essence of the place, it distorted it, making it difficult to perceive its values: the construction and its rural scale.

Therefore, we rip the interior of the house out: we eliminated several ceilings, exposing the Catalan vaults, not as common in Madrid as in other Spanish areas. After the careful restoration, these vaults will be the elements that give character to the intervention, placing the building in its rightful place. On the other hand, we show its mural character.

Materially, the project expresses by itself; the original brick is accompanied by oak wood in floors, furniture and carpentry, and white paint as a general background for every room.



El proyecto nace del respeto hacia la arquitectura residencial madrileña de principios del siglo XX: la vivienda a rehabilitar pertenece a una de las preciadas colonias residenciales que tuvieron lugar en Madrid durante el primer cuarto del siglo pasado. El inmueble, que paradójicamente se construyó junto con sus homólogos en la década de los años 20 bajo la "Ley de las Casas Baratas de 1921", presentaba una gran acumulación de capas y añadidos, fruto de los diferentes propietarios e intervenciones sufridas durante casi 100 años. Ese exceso de información, lejos de mostrar la esencia del lugar, la desvirtuaba, dificultando la lectura del mismo y la percepción de sus valores intrínsecos: arquitectura muraria, construcción mediante fábrica, escala rural...


En consecuencia, desnudamos el interior de la vivienda: eliminamos diversos falsos techos, dejando al descubierto unas magníficas bóvedas catalanas, no tan habituales en Madrid como en otras zonas españolas. Tras su cuidada restauración, serán estas bóvedas los elementos que den carácter a la intervención, situando históricamente al inmueble en el lugar que le corresponde. Por otro lado, mostramos su carácter murario, restaurando sus pasos originales, en una suerte de habitaciones conectadas entre sí.

Materialmente el proyecto se expresa por sí mismo; al ladrillo original lo acompañamos con madera de roble en suelos, mobiliario y carpintería, y con pintura blanca como fondo general de todos los ambientes. 

Colaboradores Miguel Crespo Picot, Javier Guzmán Benito, Sixto Martín Martínez ZOOCO ESTUDIO (
María Larriba, Elvira Sastre

Fotográfo Imagen Subliminal

Iluminación ZOOCO ESTUDIO (
Moibliario ZOOCO ESTUDIO (






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    The project was born out of respect for Madrid's residential architecture of the early twentieth century: the house belongs to one of the residential colonies that took place in Madrid during the first quarter of the last century. The property, which paradoxically was built along with the other buildings in the 1920s under the "Law of Cheap Houses of 1921", presented a large accumulation of layers and additions. This was the result of the different owners and interventions that the building...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design
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