QUARTIERI | La Fotosintesi
Naples / Italy / 2022
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Project Description
An approximately 80-square-meter apartment, located in the heart of Naples' Quartieri Spagnoli, is transformed into a contemporary space that celebrates color through tiles, borders, friezes, and decorations. From classic hexagons to mosaic coverings, the apartment becomes an expression of timeless decorative style. Tiles, cement tiles, and majolica become the protagonists of the new way of modern living. Located on the fifth floor of a historic building, the apartment offers a terrace with a breathtaking view of the sea and the Vomero hill. The initially narrow, cramped, and dark spaces have been opened up to the outside to allow natural light to flood in, improving the overall atmosphere. The project aims to blend traditional decoration with a contemporary touch, breathing new life into the historic charm of the neighborhood.
Un appartamento di circa 80 metri quadrati, situato nel cuore dei Quartieri Spagnoli di Napoli, si trasforma in uno spazio contemporaneo che celebra il colore attraverso mattonelle, greche, fregi e decori. Dai classici esagoni ai rivestimenti in mosaico, l’appartamento diventa espressione di uno stile decorativo intramontabile. Piastrelle, cementine e maioliche sono protagoniste del nuovo modo di vivere moderno. Situato al quinto piano di una palazzina storica, l’appartamento offre un terrazzo con vista mozzafiato sul mare e sulla collina del Vomero. Gli spazi inizialmente stretti, angusti e bui sono stati aperti verso l’esterno per favorire l’ingresso della luce naturale, migliorando così l’atmosfera complessiva. Il progetto mira a fondere la tradizione decorativa con un’impronta contemporanea, portando nuova vita alla storicità del quartiere.
Pendant lamp Matita by Egoluce; vintage seating and table by AM.PM; custom-made tiles by Arcea Ceramics; lampshade by Ferm Living; nightstand custom-designed by La Fotosintesi studio. Traffic wall light by Toscot; pendant lamp Millecinquecento by Vesoi.
Brands / Products Project Description An approximately 80-square-meter apartment, located in the heart of Naples' Quartieri Spagnoli, is transformed into a contemporary space that celebrates color through tiles, borders, friezes, and decorations. From classic hexagons to mosaic coverings, the apartment becomes an expression of timeless decorative style. Tiles, cement tiles, and majolica become the protagonists of the new way of modern living. Located on the fifth floor of a historic building,...
- Year 2022
- Work finished in 2022
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Refurbishment of apartments