PARADISIELLO | La Fotosintesi

Naples / Italy / 2022

32 Love 3,387 Visits Published

Project Description

A 60-square-meter apartment shines again thanks to a restyling that brought back the vintage chic charm of the space. Our main goal was to unveil the apartment's original beauty, hidden beneath layers of materials accumulated over time.

The project combines vintage and contemporary furnishings, creating an interior design with a nostalgic touch and a hint of modernity. Contrasts, both material and stylistic, are at the core of the intervention, highlighting the bold forms of the past and bringing them back to life.

Upon entering, visitors are greeted by furniture and decor that blend contemporary elegance with vintage essence, shaping a space that embodies industrial chic style. The walls, painted in neutral and light tones, are carefully designed to evoke the look of aged surfaces, providing the perfect backdrop for a mix of eras and styles.

The result is a space that reinterprets iconic pieces from the past with a modern twist, celebrating the apartment's history and enhancing its authentic soul.


Un appartamento di 60 metri quadri torna a splendere grazie al restyling che ha riportato in vita il fascino vintage chic dello spazio. il nostro obiettivo principale è stato svelare la bellezza originaria dell’appartamento, nascosta sotto strati di materiali accumulati nel tempo.

Il progetto unisce arredi vintage e contemporanei, dando vita a un interior design dal sapore d’antan con un tocco di modernità. I contrasti, sia materici che stilistici, sono il cuore dell’intervento, enfatizzando le grandi forme del passato e facendole rifiorire.

Superata la soglia, si viene accolti da mobili e complementi che fondono l’eleganza contemporanea con l’essenza vintage, creando un ambiente che incarna lo stile industrial chic. Le pareti, con tonalità neutre e chiare, sono studiate per evocare l’effetto di un muro vissuto, diventando la cornice ideale per un mix di epoche e stili diversi.

Il risultato è uno spazio che reinterpreta pezzi iconici del passato in chiave moderna, con un design che celebra la storia dell’appartamento e ne esalta l’anima autentica.


Brands / Products

Lamp by ALUMINOR Luminaires; painting/print by Ciao! Discoteca Italiana; bed by Flou; sofa by Edra; cushions and coverings by Paboy Bojan; home accessories by @haydesign.

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    Project Description A 60-square-meter apartment shines again thanks to a restyling that brought back the vintage chic charm of the space. Our main goal was to unveil the apartment's original beauty, hidden beneath layers of materials accumulated over time. The project combines vintage and contemporary furnishings, creating an interior design with a nostalgic touch and a hint of modernity. Contrasts, both material and stylistic, are at the core of the intervention, highlighting the bold forms...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Refurbishment of apartments
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