GIGI VERDE Nara | Sides Core

Nara / Japan / 2024

6 Love 287 Visits Published

A mezzanine floor elevated like a landscape.

Gigi Verde is a flower shop that creates flower arrangements for party and event spaces, as well as retailing flowers in the store.

With only 43m2 of space, the challenge for the new branch in Nara was to combine retailing with a studio area for making floral decorations for events, while also providing a relaxed space for discussing bridal decorations.

The plan for meeting all these needs was to make the interior floor rise seamlessly from the entrance to the main counter and a small mezzanine level. The walls plastered in earth tones, and the smooth curves, inspired by Nara’s landscape of basin and mountains, form a backdrop that brings out the natural colors and forms of flowers. The work area is large enough for multiple florists to work on floral decorations, and there is ample storage space below the counter, which is 950mm above floor level, and under the floor.

The level difference and the flowers serve as a gentle psychological boundary, making the meeting area on the upper level a relaxing space to use. A hanging lampshade at the rear of the store casts soft light and draws the eye there to emphasize the depth and height of the space. 

The curving stepped display counter attracts attention into the store and accommodates varied amounts of inventory. It also serves as the working area where the florists can be seen from outside as they create their works, making this a hybrid studio and flower shop.


Photography: Yosuke Ohtake (

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    A mezzanine floor elevated like a landscape. Gigi Verde is a flower shop that creates flower arrangements for party and event spaces, as well as retailing flowers in the store. With only 43m2 of space, the challenge for the new branch in Nara was to combine retailing with a studio area for making floral decorations for events, while also providing a relaxed space for discussing bridal decorations. The plan for meeting all these needs was to make the interior floor rise seamlessly from the...

    Project details
    • Year 2024
    • Work finished in 2024
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Showrooms/Shops / Interior Design
    Archilovers On Instagram
    Lovers 6 users