La Diana

Barcelona / Spain / 2017

55 Love 4,566 Visits Published

La Diana is the exercise of linking visually, volumetrically and functionally two independent and alienated entities: a commercial space on the ground floor and an apartment on the first floor. The architectural strategy was based on drilling the existing slab to create a large enough opening that would activate the relationship in section between the two floors, and in which the stairs are placed. The intimacy issue given by the “groundfloorness” was approached by generating a semi-exterior patio that would act as a filter between the street and the interior.



La Diana es el ejercicio de vincular visual, volumétrica y funcionalmente dos entidades independientes y ajenas entre ellas: un local comercial en planta baja y una vivienda en planta primera. La estrategia arquitectónica se basó en perforar el forjado existente creando un vacío suficientemente grande como para activar esta relación en sección y donde se despliega la comunicación vertical a través de una escalera ligera tangente a la medianera existente. Al tratarse de una planta baja, el problema de la intimidad se resolvió reculando el cerramiento de fachada de acceso respecto la fachada existente generando un patio semi-exterior a modo de filtro entre calle y vivienda.

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    La Diana is the exercise of linking visually, volumetrically and functionally two independent and alienated entities: a commercial space on the ground floor and an apartment on the first floor. The architectural strategy was based on drilling the existing slab to create a large enough opening that would activate the relationship in section between the two floors, and in which the stairs are placed. The intimacy issue given by the “groundfloorness” was approached by generating a...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Building Recovery and Renewal
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