Istria House | AUTORI

Bale / Croatia / 2024

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Our first project in Croatia, designed in 2021 and completed 2024, is a vacation home set in the heart of Istria. The site, a flat rectangular plot bordered by two small roads, offered minimal inspiration at first glance. Surrounded by vacant parcels with uncertain futures and lacking clear views or distinctive surroundings, the challenge was to create a unique and self-contained environment.

The generous scale of the plot allowed us to craft a micro-ambiance that stands on its own. We opted for low, sprawling structures that blend seamlessly into the landscape, creating a layout that flows naturally with subtle level changes. The design draws inspiration from the charm of old towns, where overlapping volumes, deep shadows, roofed courtyards, and atriums invite gatherings and reflection.

The property features a main house, a guest house (planned in the next phase), and a service building. Each structure is carefully positioned to contribute to the overall composition, ensuring privacy and harmony. The main house occupies a central position, around which micro-environments are organized. The guest house faces away from the central courtyard, creating a secluded retreat, while the service building offers panoramic views of Bale from its roof that doubles as an observation deck.

At the very heart of the property is a central plateau, anchored by an olive tree that provides rich afternoon shade to the living area. The living room, designed as an extension of the outside and the courtyard, is defined by deep shadows, framed views and open sides that invite the breeze. From here, the night zones branch off, slightly elevated by a few steps, creating private retreats with their own atriums and framed views of the lush greenery (to become).



Kontekst ravne, pravougaone parcele, omeđene dvema malim saobraćajnicama I parcelama neizvesne budućnosti, definisao je zadatak – samostalan mikroambijent, okrenut ka sebi i nezavistan od promena u neposrednom okruženju – kopneno mediteransko utočište.

Prostornu kompoziciju čine jednoetažni, horizontalni objekti koji se smiču i preklapaju i neprimetno nestaju u zelenilu. Blaga denivelacija doprinosi osećaju fluidnosti I ritmičnosti prostora, dok sama organizacija evocira strukturu mediteranskih gradova. Tako volumeni objekata formiraju duboke senke, skrivene niše, natkrivene terase I atrijume – prostore privatnosti i refleksije, kao i interakcije.

Celinu čine glavna kuća, kuća za goste (planirana za izgradnju u narednoj fazi) I pomoćni objekat garaže oko kojih se dalje grade ambijenti. Objekti su pozicionirani tako da omogućavaju komfor ali i privatnost. Okrenuti su ka unutra, s jedinim izuzetkom glavne kuće koja kadrira ruševine stare kamene kuće na susednom placu i krovne terase garaže koja otvara pogled ka Istorijskom jezgru Bala.

Centralni plato sa maslinom i dnevni boravak glavne kuće su mesto brisanja granica između spoljašnjih i unutrašnjih prostora. Duboke senke, otvorene bočne strane I kadrirani pogledi čine centralnu dnevnu zonu i prostor okupljanja. Iz nje se, blago izdignuti, granaju noćni blokovi, koji pružaju intimu i direktniji kontakt sa zelenilom.


Lead Architects: Maja Necic, Dijana Novakovic, Branislav Ristovic, Bisera Krckovska

Photography Credits: Ilya Ivanov + Studio Autori




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    Our first project in Croatia, designed in 2021 and completed 2024, is a vacation home set in the heart of Istria. The site, a flat rectangular plot bordered by two small roads, offered minimal inspiration at first glance. Surrounded by vacant parcels with uncertain futures and lacking clear views or distinctive surroundings, the challenge was to create a unique and self-contained environment. The generous scale of the plot allowed us to craft a micro-ambiance that stands on its own. We opted...

    Project details
    • Year 2024
    • Work finished in 2024
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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