Spodnje Škofije / Slovenia / 2022

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On the banks of the green hinterland of the Slovenian coast, among the olive groves of the Istrian landscape, a family of four has made a new home among the houses of the border town of Škofije. The low ground-floor house is set on the edge of a terrace. The layout of the house is simple and based on a square, half of which is covered by a flat roof and half by a classical, gabled, cornice roof. The position and choice of materials do not make the house stand out in any way from its surroundings, and with its full front façade it even appears to be somewhat restrained towards them. However, its restraint is only apparent and part of a spatial journey that begins when you enter.¸

The house at Škofija is built around a void, which is the centre of the design. The atrium allows for the gradation of spaces and access. When entering the house at Škofije, one enters an open space that is the interface between the outside world and the intimate space of the family. In the atrium, we are already in the house, but still in the intermediate zone, which offers a suitable reception for the guest and allows the family to make a gradual transition to privacy. 

Functionally, the floor plan is divided into living and sleeping areas. The sleeping area is in the south part and is accessible from the entrance hall. The corridor connecting the rooms ends with a window to the atrium. The living areas are divided into two connected sections. The kitchen is in the north wing and is connected to the laundry and service area. The kitchen is illuminated on two sides and has direct access to the atrium. Next to the kitchen, in the western part of the house, are the dining room and the living room. The living room, which is open at full height to the roof, has windows on two sides, allowing double-sided lighting and uninterrupted views of the atrium and the olive grove.

The atrium is the centre around which the interior spaces are arranged and illuminated. This reduces the number of openings on the external façades, which has a significant impact on the design and appearance of the house. The reduced number of openings and the opening of the rooms to the interior allow better control of the views and contribute to a sense of intimacy. The windows in the atrium are arranged according to the internal organisation and create a contact between the living and sleeping areas and the atrium. The largest window is next to the living room and doubles on the external façade, allowing views from the atrium to the open landscape and the sea in the distance. Along the west façade is a larger open terrace, accessible from the living area. 

Descending into the olive grove, we finish the path through the house. We started at the full entrance façade, continued through the atrium to the living areas of the house and onto the terrace, and from there into the olive grove, from where the view is only open to the terrace from where we descended.



Na bregu zelenega zaledja slovenske obale, med oljčnimi nasadi istrske krajine, si je med hišami obmejnih Škofij nov dom ustvarila štiričlanska družina. Nizka pritlična hiša je umeščena na rob terase, med dostopno cesto na vzhodni strani in oljčnikom na zahodnem delu. Tlorisna zasnova hiše je preprosta in sloni na izvotljenem kvadratu, katerega polovico pokriva ravna streha, polovico pa klasična, dvokapna, korčna streha. Hiša s svojo lego in izborom materialov v ničemer ne izstopa iz okolice, s svojo polno vhodno fasado se celo zdi, da je do nje nekoliko zadržana. Njena zadržanost pa je zgolj navidezna in del prostorske poti, ki se prične z vstopom vanjo.

Hiša na Škofijah je zgrajena okoli praznine, osrednjega atrija, ki je središče funkcionalne in bivalne zasnove. Atrij omogoča gradacijo prostorov in dostopa. Ko vstopimo v hišo na Škofijah, stopimo v odprt prostor, ki je vmesnik med zunanjim svetom in intimnim prostorom družine. V atriju smo že v hiši, obenem pa še vedno v vmesnem območju, ki nudi primeren sprejem gosta, družini pa omogoči postopen prehod v zasebnost.

Hiša ima 160m2 notranje bivalne površine. Ima 2 otroški sobi in eno spalnico. Otroški sobi si delita kopalnico, spalnica pa ima svojo, ločeno kopalnico. Funkcionalno je tloris razdeljen na bivalni in spalni del. Spalni del je v južnem delu in je dostopen iz vhodnega predprostora. Hodnik, ki povezuje sobe, se zaključi z oknom na atrij. Ob oknu, s pogledom na notranji atrij, je manjši delovni prostor, ki se uporablja za delo od doma. Bivalni deli so razdeljeni v dva povezana sklopa. Kuhinja je v severnem traktu in je povezana s pralnico in servisnim prostorom. Kuhinja je dvostransko osvetljena in ima neposreden dostop v atrij. Ob kuhinji, v zahodnem delu hiše sta jedilnica in dnevni prostor. Dnevni prostor, ki je odprt v celotni višini do strehe, ima okna na dveh straneh, kar omogoča dvostransko osvetlitev in neprekinjene poglede v atrij in na oljčnik.

Atrij je središče, okoli katerega so nanizani notranji prostori in so prek njega osvetljeni. S tem se zmanjša število odprtin na zunanjih fasadah, kar pomembno vpliva na oblikovanje in pojavnost hiše. Manjše število odprtin in odpiranje prostorov v notranjost omogoča boljši nadzor pogledov in prispeva k občutku intime. Okna so v atriju razporejena glede na notranjo organizacijo in vzpostavljajo stik bivalnih in spalnih prostorov z atrijem. Največje okno je ob dnevni sobi in se podvoji na zunanji fasadi, s čimer je omogočen pogled iz atrija na odprto krajino in morje v daljavi. Ob zahodni fasadi je večja odprta terasa, dostopna iz bivalnega dela. Bivalna terasa postopoma prehaja v oljčni nasad na najnižjem delu parcele.

S sestopom v oljčnik zaključimo pot skozi hišo. Pot, ki smo jo pričeli ob polni vstopni fasadi, jo nadaljevali prek atrija do bivalnih prostorov hiše in na teraso, od tam pa v nasad oljk, od koder je pogled odprt samo še na teraso, od koder smo sestopili.


Lead Architects: Ernest Milčinović

Collaborator: Samantha Vuk 

Photography Credits: Ana Skobe ( 

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    On the banks of the green hinterland of the Slovenian coast, among the olive groves of the Istrian landscape, a family of four has made a new home among the houses of the border town of Škofije. The low ground-floor house is set on the edge of a terrace. The layout of the house is simple and based on a square, half of which is covered by a flat roof and half by a classical, gabled, cornice roof. The position and choice of materials do not make the house stand out in any way from its...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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